About Lumsden Business Association

Established May 2, 2023

Executive Approved:

Position — Full Name, Term End

Chair — Darrell Haysom, 2024
Vice Chair — Steve Croft, 2024
Secretary — Shannon Kaytor, 2026
Treasurer — Jason Green, 2026
Marketing — Ashe Mussbacher, 2026
Youth Member — vacant
Member — JP Vives, 2026
Member — Jane Spencer, 2024
Member — Carson Ried, 2026


The Lumsden Business Association (LBA) aims to create economic opportunities within our business community by promoting both home-based and retail businesses through a single contact approach via LBA. LBA will provide a platform to engage in future events within our community, supporting our business community in coordination with LBA. LBA will also promote, both within and outside our community, the importance of supporting our local businesses to create economic opportunities for all existing and future businesses within our community.

Terms of Reference Purpose:

Chair and Membership, Meeting Schedule, Level of Administrative Support, and Dispute Resolution Processes

1. Role: Lumsden Business Association:

The role of Lumsden Business Association is to coordinate the activities of like-minded entrepreneurs who will brainstorm and meet regularly to maximize the opportunities our community can provide for the retail and business sectors in Lumsden and the surrounding area. This will contribute to the growth of businesses within our community, supporting and respecting all types of businesses, including those in the service industry, retail, food service, and home-based businesses.

The group will provide strategic direction and leadership to ensure that members of the Lumsden Business Association set and achieve goals related to promoting our community and showcasing its businesses. This may include organizing events such as winter carnivals, snowmobile rallies, family day festivities, local farmers’ markets, and more.

LBA will be established as a not-for-profit organization, with all rights reserved by LBA, including websites and any materials developed by LBA. LBA will work independently but in collaboration with representatives from the Town of Lumsden to achieve mutual goals in promoting our community.

The terms of reference will be reviewed semi-annually to ensure their integrity and make adjustments as needed after presenting them to the membership.

2. Term:

The term will commence on May 2, 2023, and continue until April 30, 2028, with ongoing terms until terminated by a majority of the membership. All members must remain current and provide an annual membership fee of $100.00 by September 1 of each fiscal year.

3. Membership group will comprise:

  • Retail businesses with storefronts
  • Small to medium-sized businesses within the community and RM of Lumsden
  • Home-based businesses providing services to the area

Membership applications will be presented to the board of directors quarterly. All applicants will be notified of acceptance or rejection, with a written rationale provided for all rejections.

3. Membership group will comprise:

  • Retail businesses with storefronts
  • Small to medium-sized businesses within the community and RM of Lumsden
  • Home-based businesses providing services to the area

Membership applications will be presented to the board of directors quarterly. All applicants will be notified of acceptance or rejection, with a written rationale provided for all rejections.

Tiered Membership:

  • Retail Store Front: $100 with voting rights
  • Home-Based Business: $65 with non-voting status
  • Youth Membership: $0 with non-voting status
4. Roles and Responsibilities: The LBA will:

  • Foster collaboration
  • Remove obstacles that impede business development
  • Focus on defining the scope, outcomes, and benefits of presented ideas
  • Monitor and manage factors that could potentially affect the business association’s success
  • Develop a webpage platform that integrates all businesses, providing links to each business, and operate and maintain this platform.

The LBA will commit to:

  • Make the best effort to host monthly meetings
  • Support and promote the Lumsden Business Association within and outside our community
  • Share all communication with all members
  • Make timely decisions and take appropriate actions
  • Notify members if any matter arises that may affect the Association
  • Make the best effort to attend all meetings in person or by proxy.

Members of the advisory group will expect:

  • Each member will be provided with complete, accurate, and meaningful information in a timely manner.
  • Given reasonable time to review information to make key decisions at meetings.
  • Allow for open and honest discussions and notify members of equitable table time.
5. Executive:

The executive will be elected by the membership for 2-year terms and consists of: i. Chair – 1 year ii. Vice Chair iii. Secretary iv. Treasurer v. Social Media Platform Member vi. Youth Member vii. Member at Large viii. Member at Large ix. Member at Large
Financial: All payments approved must obtain 2 out of 3 signatures from the Chair, Treasurer, or a member at large.

  • Make the best effort to host monthly meetings
  • Support and promote the Lumsden Business Association within and outside our community
  • Share all communication with all members
  • Make timely decisions and take appropriate actions
  • Notify members if any matter arises that may affect the Association
  • Make the best effort to attend all meetings in person or by proxy.

Members of the advisory group will expect:

  • Each member will be provided with complete, accurate, and meaningful information in a timely manner.
  • Given reasonable time to review information to make key decisions at meetings.
  • Allow for open and honest discussions and notify members of equitable table time.

Financial: All payments approved must obtain 2 out of 3 signatures from the Chair, Treasurer, or a member at large.

6. Meetings:

Meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month, with the location selected by the executive at each meeting. Meetings will be chaired by the Chair of the Lumsden Business Association (appointed), or in their absence, the Vice Chair will act as the chair.
Meeting quorum: Quorum will be based on the number of members in attendance. Decisions will be made by consensus, and all decisions will be posted and provided 72 hours in advance for discussion and reevaluation by the membership. The Business Association Chair makes the final decision on any matters in attendance.

Meeting agendas and minutes will be provided by the Secretary, including:

• Preparation of the agenda 3 days prior to the meeting date
• Submission of agenda items 5 days in advance for review by the executive, with supporting documents if required
• Preparation of meeting notes and information.

Meetings will be held monthly on the third Wednesday of each month, with the location to be determined at each meeting. Subgroup meetings, if required, will be arranged outside of these times at a convenient time for subgroup members.

7. Any Amendment, Modification, or Variation:

These Terms of Reference may be amended, varied, or modified in writing after consultation and agreement by Lumsden Business Association group members. They will be reviewed semi-annually by the executive, and any changes will be presented to the membership for a vote.

Approved: Darrell Haysom, Chair, LBA Approved: Steve Croft, Vice Chair, LBA Executive: Shannon Kaytor, Secretary Jason Green, Treasurer Ashley Mussbacher, Social Media Platform Member Vacant, Youth Member JP Vives, Member Carson Ried, Member Jane Spencer, Member