Business Registration Form
Use this form to apply to be a member of the Lumsden Business Association.
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Business Listing Information

Please complete the below fields so that we can add your business to the online listing registry. This is how customers will find you.
Business Address
Business Listing Description
Write a short description of your business. You can include a list of services, directions, and/or a general about so people know what your business is about. Upload photos and a logo, if you want.

Primary Owner Contact Information

This information will not be listed on the public online listing. This is for our association to contact the owner(s) of the business and keep them updated on association news, meetings, and events. It will also be for record-keeping and membership renewal.
Business Owner(s)
If there are more than 3 owners, please note the other names in the General Message section.
Business Owner(s) (copy)
Business Owner(s) (copy) (copy)
Note: this is for the Lumsden Business Association to contact the owner. This number will not be displayed on the listing.
Note: this is for the Lumsden Business Association to contact the owner. This email will not be displayed on the listing.

Membership Information

Select the type of membership you'd like to apply for.
Multiple Choice
Fees are to be paid upon executive approval. We will send an email with payment instructions, if you're application has been approved.